Mittwoch, 21. Oktober 2020


The number of personal objects of Rolf Victor Zanger hold by his family is rather reduced. Following his dissappearance at 15th November 2002 at the age of nearly 83 most personal objects of him dissappeared from his family house at Weilmünster. One of these objects that disappeared is the bronce sculpture "Sword Bearer" which he received as an award for his victory in a rowing competition as a member of the Wetzlar Canoe Club in the period 1930-1938 and which adorned the chimney plinth in his house. The only personal objects that remained conserved during the following 20 years had been handed over by his spouse Rosemarie Zanger previously to the hands of his oldest son Peter to protect these memorabilia. Between these memorabilia figure exclusively objects with reference to the Second World War epoque between 1939 and 1945, when Rolf Zanger had to join the german military campaign as Navy Soldier, first as Sailor-in-Training on the german destroyer-ship KARL GALSTER and later as Machinist´s Mate on the german battleship SCHARNHORST until 26th December 1943. The objects also cover the time of his takeover by British Naval Forces as Prisioner of War and his later transfer to the german PoW CAMP MC CAIN in Missouri, United States of America under control of the Military Forces of the U.S.-Army until his release and return to Germany in 1947, where he probably was transferred initially into the former DACHAU Concentration Camp.

The only conserved personal object of Rolf Zanger´s post-war time is a binocular microscope designed and developed by him during the 1970ies and constructed by him during 1976 until 1990 in his optical factory enterprise in Weilmünster. The optical precision mechanic apparatus carries a personal dedication to his oldest son Peter with the engraving of his birthday date 14th July 1957 and was handed over as personal birthday present in 1988.    

Compensation cheque over 62.72 US$ drawn up 17th April 1946 in Camp Mc Cain (Missouri)
for the work as prisoner of war in the regional cotton harvest

Phrasebook for German Language for Military Personal

English - German Dictionary for War Prisoners (PoW)

Excerpts from Rolf Zanger´s 1945 Personal Note Book Year Calendar
during his stage as PoW in Camp McCain / Missouri

1945 Calendar Title Page
edited by the Ecumenic Comission for the Pastoration of War Prisoners
and the Lutherian Churches of the Americas

Memos for April 4 and 5
Birthday and Postcard sent to Parents

Memos for December 3, 4 and 14
First snow in PoW Camp, Fritz Schurlies born, Birthday Mother

References to Family adresses in Apolda (USSR occupied Zone) and Emmershausen (U.S. occupied Zone)

Songtext Transcription : "Give me 5 Minutes more"

Songtext Transcription : "Kiss me"

Acquired Photography of Battleship Scharnhorst

Private Photography of Battleship Scharnhorst taken by Rolf Zanger
during his stage in Alta-Fjord, Northern Norway, near North Cape.
The ship was "parked" inside a "net-chest" to avoid surpirse attacks by submarine torpedos.
The net-chest-hide was situated inside "Lang-Fjorden", a side branch of Alta-Fjord, probably between Langfjordbotn and Tappeluft. 
The ship remained parked there since 24th March 1943, and was attacked by mini-submarines 22nd September 1943 before she left for last mission ended 26th December 1943. 

Navy Uniform Badge of  member of german Battleship Fleet

Oil Painting "Battleship Scharnhorst in Heavy Sea" by K. Stange

Binocular Light-Microscope
designed and developed by Rolf Zanger during the 1970ies
and constructed by his company KARL ZANGER & SÖHNE OHG in Weilmünster.
The optical apparatus was dedicated by his constructor to his oldest son Peter with his birthday date engraving 14th of July 1957

Mother of Pearl Pocket Knife

Tobaccoe Pipe

Ceramic Shield with Self Portrait
Personal Artwork Rolf Zanger about 1980

Wild Boar Cup decorated with Salt-Glaze
from Paula Dupp Ceramic Artcraft Atelier Höhr-Grenzhausen about 1980

Agata Table Clock with Zodiac Hour Gems
probably from Gemstone Grinding Store in Idar Oberstein aquired about 1975

German Nazi Youth Organization Label Pins

Blue-wihite-blue Badge of Battleship Scharnhorst Weapon Shield
as sign for post-war membership to NAVY FELLOWSHIP SCHARNHRST. Rolf Zanger during WWII served between 1939 and 1943 as Navy Soldier stationed first at Wilhelmshaven for REICHSKRIEGSMARINE. His formation he received on the navy ship Z 20 "Destroyer KARL GALSTER", then moved to "Battleship SCHARNHORST" until that ship sunk at 26st December 1943. He was rescued by British Navy ships together with 35 more survivors from Polar Sea and brought first to an PoW- interrogation camp in Great Britain and then transferred to Camp cCain PoW Camp in Missouri USA, as personally told and witness documents prove.During the post-war years he the Navy Fellowship of his warcraft and attended meetings at Bad Winterberg, Bad Harzburg and other sites during the 1970ies and 1980ies.

Black-white-red Badge of membership at
REICHSARBEITSDIENST R.A.D. (German Nazi "Reichs Labour Service")
an obligatory state working service for young men for auyxiliary military training
practized in Germany during the period 26.6.1935 - 8.5.1945. Rolf Zanger obligatory had to participate in that duty working service at an unknown time period between 1935 and 1939. He was deployed then at RAD Camp Eichelsachsen as personally told. The RAD Camp Eichelsachsen was registered as Abteilung 6/226(223) "Bilstein".

Rolf Zanger during the 1930ies also was member at "Kanuclub Wetzlar" or "Ruderverein Wetzlar", an local rowing association. During his membership he received several awards (Needle Pin Badges, Winner certificates, Statues) that actually are lost from the CID Institute´s Museum Collection. He left that Wetzlar Canoe  Association (probably during 1937-1939) when obligatory all members had to enter the HITLER YOUTH Organization H.J., a step that he personally explained with missing sympathy for the German Nazi Regime, considering canoeing as libertarian sport acitvity, but not as military combat and law-and-order-preparation training.

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  CID Institute Family Museum Collection Rosemarie Zanger FAMILY OBJECTS Anthropological Objects acquired or collected between 1969 and 2022...