Dienstag, 20. Oktober 2020


Besides some photographies that show Verena Zanger as child with her family members, a picture in military uniform from Switzerland, Belgium or France taken during the german Second World War Campaigns years 1939-1945 and some photographies together with family members in Apolda (Thuringia) and the Taunus Mountain Weil Valley, that date between 1950 and 1956, the only remaining personal object is the book MONPTI. Her initially also conserved "Aviator Clip" that she carried as member of german Air Force actually is lost. 

Written by the Hungarian author Gabor von Vaszari (*1.7.1897 in Budapest), who emigrated in 1947 to Switzerland and later worked for Radio Free Europe, MONPTI was edited first in 1934 and re-edited later in german language at J.P.TOTH Publishers in Hamburg in 1948. The book tells the love story between the author and an woman from Paris during his life-time in France. The title is an phonetic reduction / abbreviation of the french words "Mon petit" ("My Little"). The book contents describes Paris town and life in SAINT MICHEL town quarter.

Following descriptions of Rosemary Zanger, the museum object book that carries Verena Zanger´s personal signature on it´s book cover inside, meant highest importance for Verena because she was remembered by it´s content to her own experiences during her stay at Paris during the 2nd WW years. 


verena zanger

portraits and family pictures

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  CID Institute Family Museum Collection Rosemarie Zanger FAMILY OBJECTS Anthropological Objects acquired or collected between 1969 and 2022...